Kamis, 24 Februari 2011

How to Birthday Guess Someone on Fun For Brain

Fun For Brain
Fun For Brain
Sometimes we want to know the person's date of birth but would feel embarrassed to ask directly, so this time Fun For Brain will provide trick to know date of birth with math, remember try yourself first before practiced.
take your birth date (eg 12 April 1992 = item 12 only), then ..
multiplied by 4 ..
plus 13 ..
multiplied by 25 ..
minus 200 ..
plus the month of birth (eg April = 4) ..
multiplied by 2 ..
minus 40 ..
multiplied by 50 ..
plus the last two digits of birth year (eg 1992 = 92 only) ..
minus 10 500 ..
Justify ... how about you??

By. Fun For Brain

How Guessing Birthday on Fun For Brain

Fun For Brain

Fun For Brain
In this meeting Fun For Brain will provide an educated guess math can tell you with certainty the date of birth in full, but we have to use the calculator to not bother the count, here's how :

Please Calculated Using the Calculator or Calculated Own ....

YOUR BIRTH MONTH + 18 x 25-333 x 8-554 :
2 + YOUR BIRTH DATE  x 5 + 692 X 20 + 2 FIGURES FOR LAST YEAR OF BIRTH YOU (ex: 1990 = 90) - 32 940

Format your birth date is to use the format MM / DD / YY

I've proved this, 1000,000% True
By. Fun For Brain

Sabtu, 19 Februari 2011

Game Numbers 0 to 9 on Fun For Brain

Fun For Brain

Fun For Brain
Provide 10 units consisting of numbers 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 and 0 ..

His game is easy .. This game to predict the result of addition and subtraction ...

Prediction figures will come out is 1089

the way the game:

select 3 numbers but these numbers must be sequential and his priorities of large numbers down to such small numbers, 9 8 7
then make her do the opposite ie 7 8 9 continues digits minus 987 = 198 .. 789
198 results were screened again to 891,,,, then added 198 with 891 the result is 1089 ..

be on trial for the 3 digit sequential others it would result in 1089 ...
Just play ... pretty good for showing off to friends ...
By. Fun For Brain


Numbers Game on Fun For Brain

Fun For Brain

Fun For Brain
you try to select any number ...
Free! Numbers whatever ...
After that you sort by number that you select into a new number which is smaller than the number that you selected earlier ...
Then .. Subtract the two numbers are ...
And see the results ..
If divided by 9, will produce an integer ...
Not fraction ..

1. We will take the number 674 189 ...

2. Then we sort the 174 689 ...

3. And we less 674189-174689 = 499 500

4. Divided by 9 ... 499 500: 9 = 55500 ...

Not round?
By. Fun For Brain

Jumat, 18 Februari 2011

Mathematical Games - Guessing Secrets Figures on Fun For Brain

Fun For Brain

Fun For Brain
This game requires only one person whom the victim as you choose whom you want with the condition that she must understand the mathematics, especially the addition of subtraction operation & Take him to a game with following the directions you give and promised that the end game, you would guess with the correct figures he hide
Rules of the game is as follows:

1. Ask the victim to select and write down a number hundreds by without being seen by you. Example: 100, 200, 909, 689, etc.
* Let the victim choose number 867

2. Numbers must be composed of hundreds of these 3 numbers, you tell him to add numbers to-1 with a number of the 2nd and the results sum up the number with digits to-3.
* 8 + 6 + 7 = 21

3. Furthermore, the victim asked for it by subtracting the number of hundreds of third-figure sum.
* 867-21 = 846

4. The result of these reductions produce a new number. Which also consists of 3 digit number (846). Ask the victim to tell you 2 of the 3-digit number.
* For example, the victim gave the 8 & 4

do the following steps to find a number that is hidden by your victim.

The secret:
- Add the two numbers given by the victim (8 + 4 = 12).
* If the result is <9 then the sum is reduced by 9 = number of hidden victims.
* If the result is> 9 then the result is reduced by 18 = number of hidden victims.
- In eg the above results = 12.
So, 18-12 = 6

congratulations .... You have found a number that is hidden by a victim that is number 6
say aloud the numbers on your victim .... and be prepared to see the look on her face 
By. Fun For Brain


The figures Omitted on Fun For Brain

Fun For Brain

Fun For Brain
Fun For Brain had a game called the game number 9 ...
So later multiply any number with the number 9 Keeps you lose 1 point from the results of your multiplication earlier, you continue to mention how the result (after the remove 1 point),, Well then I can guess what number you get rid of it ....

For example:
You have the number 45 397
Keeps you times 9
The results 408 573 (not to be told)
Keeps you hidden 1 point = 40 873 (you told her so that it eliminated 5)
I continue to be answered later on the results 5 ....

Secret Key:
how each multiplication number 9 is his privilege is the result of multiplying the number 9 when the totalizing = multiples multiplication 9 ... Confused?

1 x 9 = 9
2 x 9 = 18>> 1 + 8 = 9
3 x 9 = 27>> 2 + 7 = 9

Examples of the lot numbers:
38979 x 9 = 350 811>>> 3 +5 +0 +8 +1 +1 = 18 (multiple of 9)
so if such number is above 350,811 in eliminated eg remove 1 point number 5 = 30 811 if the number of his 13>> Now this is the key from 13 to number multiple of 9 takes the number 5, from number 13 to 18 (18 -13 = 5)
Hopefully helpful, Good luck ..!!
By. Fun For Brain

Kamis, 17 Februari 2011

Figures Tricks on Fun For Brain

Fun For Brain

Fun For Brain
Its just how simple. here you need the opposite role. call you and tell him presented to select the thousands (4angka) free, (example: 1000) and commanded to multiply with the number 9
in the above example so: (1000 x 9 = 9000)

results they can get rid of 1 number free, in the example above can eliminate the number 9 and 0 example removes the numbers from 0 past (9000) and then ordered him to add 3 points left over so 9 + 0 + 0 = 9. tell you the number of total and they call 9, right?
magic nucleus here you can guess who they lose? cool man ..

how: take the multiplication 9 which approached the results from the addition of the opponent's role in their total sample number 9, then the result of multiplying the 9 which approached 9 is 9 x 1 = 9. then subtract the result that you can be with their total 9-9 = 0. so, a figure that they remove the number 0

Remember: This trick applies to initial figures thousands (4 digits) is not more.
By. Fun For Brain

Play Like a Magician Figure on Fun For Brain

Fun For Brain

Fun For Brain
You try to think about numbers ...
just one
0-9 ...

already ..?

if so, you figure you'd x2 ...

then the results you +8 ...

is not it ...

then you: 2 back ...

continue to result less from the numbers which you think your first one ... the beginning, you choose ...

nah, you have to a magic number ...

now ...
if you get number 1, meaning you get the letter A. ..
if you get number 2, meaning you get the letter B. ..
if you get number 3, meaning you get the letter C. ..
and so on ...
fit in your numbers in alphabetical order ...

nah, now you make a name with the letter state that you can ...

For example: you can number 1 ...
means you can letter A. ..
you select a country United States ...

nah, last ... you try to make the name of animal from the second letter of the name of the country you choose ...

Example: you choose the American ...
both the letter "m" ...
you can choose your mouse ...
By Fun For Brain

Rabu, 16 Februari 2011

The Lost Numbers on Fun For Brain

Fun For Brain

Fun For Brain
Indeed the numbers game is endless and of course so many variations, this one simple game on Fun For Brain
1. Invite a friend to write 4 digits
    Example: 3422
2. Summing the four numbers 3 +4 +2 +2 = 11
3. Subtract 3422-11 = 3411
4. Circle one answer is not 0 (zero)
    For example: 1
5. Friends do not call numbers circled

The Secret
1. Sum the number who mentioned friends: 3 +4 +1 = 8
(if the sum of two numbers then add the numbers, eg: 11 so 1 +1 = 2)
2. Less than 9 so 9-8 = 1
By. Fun For Brain

Score Prediction Magic Trick on Fun For Brain

Fun For Brain

Fun For Brain
Magic numbers on Fun For Brain predicted to spend 1-9 figures in every scrap of paper. (you can also use playing cards) you tell the victim to make choosing one for him and one for your own ... say to the victim so she would multiply 5 and then add 5 then multiplied by 2 and subtract the number that you grasp the difference

For example:

You can be number 1 and the victim to victim number 5 will calculate the 5 × 5 +5 × 2 = 60, then subtract the difference in your numbers by 10 (10-1 = 9) and the difference of your number 9 then ordered the victim to subtract 9
60-9 = 51. then ordered the victim mentions these results. so you can guess the number of the victim wolllaaaa! You can be number 1 and the victim to the number 5 ....
By. Fun For Brain


Selasa, 15 Februari 2011

Mind Reading With Figures

Fun For Brain
Fun For Brain
You can guess the basic numbers that thought by someone. The difference on Fun For Brain is, the method used in this trick is simple, and you set your own number that is used to perform multiplication and division.


1. Ask two volunteers climbed onto the stage. Have the first person to think of a any number, from 1 to 1 billion. The second person in charge to think of an even number, from 1-100

2. Have the first person to type the numbers on a calculator. (Ex: 63)

3. Ask him to multiply two numbers. (63x2 = 126)
4. Ask him to sum up the results with even numbers are considered by a second person, eg 24 (126 +24 = 150)

5. Ask him to divide the two results (150:2 = 75), and shouting the numbers to you.

6. Ask the second person, how many even numbers that had been thought. After the second person mentioning the number, you have to do is to reduce the heart rate obtained in point number 5, with half the number chosen by a second person, then you will be able to guess the base rate chosen by the people first. In this case 75 - (24:2), 75-12 = 63. These figures reveal semisterius possible, as if you were reading the mind of the volunteers.

You can also use the method of prediction. Here you just use a volunteer, and even numbers are determined by your own.

Have a nice try, hehe….
By. Fun For Brain

Guessing Basic Figures on Fun For Brain

Fun For Brain

Fun For Brain
This trick just need our capabilities in the basic arithmetic operations,
add, subtract, multiply and divide.
And with the basic operation we can make it wrote a
game to find out what other people think.
Believe it ?????

Follow the instructions below:
1. Think of a certain number
You may select any number's up ... except should not be a minus figure
2. Then multiply the mean by 2 (eg think of number 4, so 4x2 = n)
4. Then the result is added with 13 (n +13 = p see ?????)
5. Then the result was minus 3 (the last was p, p-3 = q)
6. Then divided again by 2 (q: 2 = z)
7. And last result was reduced again with the number who first thought of by you.

If his count is correct, surely the end result is a five (5).
By. Fun For Brain