Selasa, 25 Januari 2011

Mathemagics With Square Roots Ala Fun for Brain

Fun For Brain

The square root is unique as well as complex numbers in mathematics, but this time Brain For Fun will present a few games on the square root, please show off her fun.
Follow the steps below:
1. Give the victim a calculator and tell she was thinking about any number, and should not be seen by agan,
2. Ask him squaring numbers
3. Add to twice the number who first thought
4. Add 1
5. Let him find the square root of these numbers. If the result is a decimal number, rounded to the nearest  integer. (eg 25.33 => 25)
6. Add the result by 10 and asked him to mention these figures to you.
(The secret: To know the number that first time thinking, just subtract the numbers cited by the volunteers by 11)
1. Suppose the number who thought 5
2. 5x5 = 25
3. 25 +10 = 35 (10 = 2x5)
4. 35 +1 = 36
5. Square root of 36 is 6
6. 6 +10 = 16
So 16-11 = 5 (Proven)
Very easy to do, let's continue to show off her fun with Fun For Brain.
By. Fun For Brain

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