Minggu, 06 Februari 2011

How to Guessing Words Dictionary of the Mathematical Part I

Fun For Brain

Fun For Brain
Maybe you've watched the show in action magic magician can guess the word or phrase in a dictionary pages, newspapers, magazines or other media? Probably almost all magicians ever play this game. In its action is usually a magician, said that he had predicted it.

Apparently, After further investigation, we included the victim lying Public. Why? It turns out these games turned out to have nothing to do with the predictions much less predict the future, this game is only a numbers game that has been governed by these magicians. Well, for  this time Fun For Brain will open further secrets of this game and is certainly related to Mathematics, Consider the following:

1. You memorized lines odd and even numbers.
Even numbers = {0,2,4,6,8, ...}
Odd Numbers = {1,3,5,7, ...}
(We're sure you'll be familiar outside the head)
2. For the results later There are two possibilities:
a. You memorize the first word in a dictionary or other media page 123 (For Normal Conditions)
b. Memorize your first word in the dictionary or other media page 303 (for an abnormal condition in which the numbers in each column number is same or similar)

For how to play it will be connected next post because it was too long. So wait for post from Fun For Brain.
By. Fun For Brain

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